Monday, June 29, 2009


Hello everyone! First off, I want to thank everyone who has visited the blog so far. But I also wanted to give an apology for several errors that were in the first 4 blogs. Right before I sent out the link for people to check out, I had to delete and repost the entries on here. And in doing so, I think some of my previous corrections didn't go through. I say this because many of the errors pointed out to me were ones I distinctly remember correcting before. I just don't want anyone thinking I don't read and proofread everything carefully before posting. I usually even have someone else proofread through to catch anything I might've missed. Thank you to those of you who pointed out errors to me. I think I have fixed all the ones on here but please tell me if there are any I've missed. And as always, thanks for checking out "Can't Argue With That."

1 comment:

  1. Blogs are informal discussions about whatever. No need to apologize! You are already very articulate in your posts, so keep up the discussions.
