Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Apparently some of my sarcasm has been too obscure for some folks, which is preventing them from separating my true facts from plain humor. Here's a hint, if it seems too outrageous to be an actual fact, it's probably not one! Except in some very rare circumstances, in which I will usually say "I'm not kidding about this one." No "H", I didn't actually research how many points the average person has on their Kroger card! :-P

Thanks for following it, though.....we all know I can't argue with that!

1 comment:

  1. I kind of felt stupid after I said to you that comedy was the apex and peak of human kind's decent into philosophy and evolution. For you must raionalize your way to laughter by a reasoning provided by an author of the path of logic, or lack there of; and it is no doubt one of the newest reflexes in our cerebral forces, while seperating us from all other creatures in this sense. Not by our laughter are we unique, but by our streaming awareness of why it's funny as hell. Anyway, I said the fortune cookie version of that to you and you said,"oh, well you must have gotten that from my play" and I was like "oh,really,ok. I guess I was listening really well or something" lol. In seconds I felt stupid less stupid whePn you asked me if the durtle was fictional. I had not the heart to tell you that a reptillian deer with a turtle shell on it's back, vulnerable only to well buttered butter knives and reflections of it's own intrepid stares, truly haunted the island;nor did it occur to me to attempt to fool you, untill after I lost my chance. That I lament only for the loss of seeing how hard you might have laughed at you. Especially now, seeing that your wit is only exceeded by your grace.
